Our mission is to provide the best possible Dermatologic care while treating all of our patients with sincere respect and kindness. By providing predictable pricing, we hope to extend this care to as many Oklahomans as possible.
"Dr. Prater has been a breath of fresh air when looking back on my experience with the medical establishment in the states. Honestly not just the best Dermatologist experience but the best experience going to the doctor"
Verified Patient
Treatments You Can Trust

The foundation for building healthy skin is to confirm the body is free of skin cancers. Our thorough skin cancer screenings can be tailored to meet your individual needs. We will look you over head to toe and have the time and availability to address any questions you may have. If you have extra questions about acne, photo aging, a rash or even hair loss let us know and we can help schedule you for the right appointment time. Our unique system is perfectly suited to evaluate as many of your skin needs as needed all in one visit.
Do you have a skin condition that you just can't figure out? Is it starting to cause anxiety or affecting your relationship with family and friends? Maybe you know whats wrong but you need to sit down with an expert to review treatment options and help form the right treatment plan for you. We have a special interest in trying to identify your problem, formulate individualized treatment plans, and help resolve your condition as much as possible.

Have you noticed a new spot changing on your body that has you worried? We know wait times for Dermatologic care can be long when your concerned about your health. We have quick in and out appointments available for the evaluation of a single spot. Depending on the size, we can often biopsy or remove the spot on the day of your appointment. Same week appointments will be regularly available for this time sensitive need.
Dr. Prater has over a decade of experience in the medical management of many different skin diseases including psoriasis, eczema, lichen sclerosus, lupus, dermatomyositis, morphea, hidradenitis suppurativa, and hair loss as well as more common skin conditions including acne, warts and skin cancer.

13933 Technology Drive Suite B
Oklahoma City, OK 73134